Family Nutrition Combo

A Complete Pack of Family Nutrition


This Combo Includes 3 Products:-

1. Mix Fruit Kissel (Cranberry, Pomegranate) Cranberry is a wild berry, that grows in Siberia. Ancients named cranberry “balls of life energy” because of its capacity to enhance physical and mental activities and Pomegranate contains useful substances for your health and helps you stay young.
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2. Plant Protein - Rice peptides have antimicrobial activity against various human pathogens, such as Gram-negative bacteria (P. ginigivalis), Gram-positive bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes and Streptocossus mutans) and fungi (Candida albicans).
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3. Beverage powder with Ginseng extract and vitamins - Beverage powder enriched with  Ginseng extract and vitamins  will bring cheerfulness and good emotions for the whole morning.
Deep taste of classic coffee is complemented by delicate touch of milky caramel.
Natural extracts of Ginseng and Green tea are good for health and make this drink unique. 
Vitamin complex helps to reduce tiredness and to restore vitality. 
Active ingredients provide high working efficiency and proper brain function during the whole day.
Fructose is a natural fruit sugar obtained, does not contain saccharose.
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